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tv   News at 5pm  FOX  December 18, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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right now and how can't you think about it? like it's so close to you. >> reporter: the teachers union said educators will discuss friday's mass shooting in an age appropriate manner. sandy hook students have not returned to class. they'll be moved to another facility. administrators say they won't return to classes until january. trucks carrying supplies have been leaving the school. on tuesday the white house spoke about the possibility of president obama supporting new legislation on weapons. >> he sports and would sport legislation that addresses the problem of the so-called gun show loophole. >> reporter: a new grass roots it group sent a delegation to washington tuesday to meet with the brady campaign to prevent gun violence and families of victims of the 1999 shooting at columbine high school. >> these people here before you because they refuse to be
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statistics. they don't want it to happen to the rest of you. >> reporter: more details have emerged. connecticut's medical examiner says nancy lanza was shot in the head four times while she slept. adam lanza is believed to have shot himself in the head. in newtown, connecticut. >> new information now from the nra, the national rifle association broke its silence with a statement about the killings. the group said that nra members were quote, shocked, saddened and heartbroken by the news of the horrific and senseless murders. the nra has said it's offering meaningful contributions to make sure this never happens again. >> bay area state senator introduced a bill that would
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close major loopholes in california's assault weapons ban. the bill is similar to one last year that prohibits semiautomatic weapons. it will require yearly registration and backgrounds checks. a second bill will make it a requirement that store weapons have trigger locks. the white house says if president obama is also prepared to actively support reinstatement of a u.s. assault weapons ban. california senator diane feinstein plans to introduce new legislation next year. the president would also support new rules for gun shows. attendees can buy guns from private dealers without a background check. >> bay area residents are banding together. ktvuu's health and synced core john fowler here now. >> reporter: what difference with a book make? two bay area grade serials created this one. that may help hundreds cope
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with their loss. this afternoon 11-year-old tatiana oliver and her 9-year- old sister signed copies of their book, it's okay to cry. a remarkable child's take on grief. >> dealing with your feelings and how to deal with when someone you knew or loved has died and passed away. >> reporter: tatiana wrote it after her father died of a heart attack in front of her. she and her sister plan to send books to sandy hook school children. >> it would make them feel better. >> reporter: kyra rate created the art work. >> therapy is okay to go to. it's not like a bad thing. >> reporter: their mother says grief shared is grief eased for her children and those in connecticut. >> we have to make meaning out of our tragedies. it's not about asking why things happen but about what
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and what we can do about it. >> reporter: i asked tatiana to read from her book. >> even though we can't touch our special someone anymore, we can feel them in our hearts. we can feel their love in a beautiful sunset or a butterfly. >> reporter: they'll have to print about 600 more books for every child at sandy hook elementary. this afternoon she set up a website to help raise funds for printing and shipping costs. for more information go to our information, reporting live, health and science editor, john fowler, k ktvu channel 2 news. >> since the massacre happened last friday morning, you can post your thoughts and share this post on your facebook wall to honor the victims of the school shooting in newtown. >> a brazen smash and grab this morning in concord. thieves rammed a car into the front of a video came star. you spoke to police in the area
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about this trend. >> reporter: this could be the extreme where hours ago a car had driven right through this plate glass win doe. now this business is back open. when police arrived they found this silver honda afterway into the store. the call came in about 4 in the morning. whoever was responsible was gone when officers arrive. the manager told us the thief or thieves took apple iphones and ipods. police believe the vehicle was stolen. today customers came by only to be turned away. >> it's surprising. it's a little surprising. but i mean, desperate people do desperate things, i guess. >> reporter: police say smash and grab robberies are on the rise. thieves tried to break into this store but were barted by
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shatterproof glass. >> in some cases it's just a crime of opportunity. other cases we see groups of individuals that are much more organized and they go around usually visiting a number of cities. >> reporter: two weeks ago thieves smashed windows at the macy's and made off with hundred hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of jewelry. some told us they're not surprised. >> with things happening nowadays nothing surprises me any more. everyone and everybody is doing something. >> reporter: >> reporter: now concord police aren't saying much about this latest burglary, but they do want witnesses to step forward. you can just call them or send them an electronic message. they're looking forward to hearing from the public on this crime. live in concord tonight, sal castaneda. >> the santa clara district attorneys office released a
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statement. this video we're showing you here is meant to educate the public on what the da calls an i crime epidemic. the use of an app that helps you find your device if it's steelen. it advises people to get help from a law enforcement agency. >> breaking news now where police are investigating a bank robbery. it happened at a u.s. bank branch which is not far from east 14th street and only a couple of blocks from davis street. these are live pictures from news chopper 2. just after 4 a man in his 20s walked into the bank and pass add note to the teller. by the time police got there the bank robber was gone. we are told he did get away with an undisclosed amount of money. police are inside right now investigating. again, the headline, a bank robbery at the u.s. bank branch
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in fellton plaza. if we get more information during the course of this newscast, we'll bring it it you. a woman accused of abandoning her newborn baby pleaded not guilty today. the baby was found last week. two san francisco police officers saved the infant's life by performing cpr and rushing the baby to the hospital. 39-year-old nicca gnash has been charged. >> the bay area is bracing for one of the coldest nights of the year. how the cold may actually help certain plants. >> reporter: right now we happen to be at fire station 2 in san rafael. their fire trucks are equipped with ski gees. they have access to high power water vacuums. this is how folks are preparing for freezing temperatures.
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at sunny side nursery, workers moved a couple thousand plants under an overhang. >> these are things that come in that we don't want it exposed to the freeze coming in. >> reporter: preparation here for tonight's freeze warning began days ago when these young citrus plants were moved out of the elements. >> this this has come out in the last couple of weeks. the tissue is soft and tender. this is the stuff that gets damaged. sounds like bill martin is calling for it to get down to 30 tonight, which below freezing but not real, not a killing frost. so people should be conscious of covering things like citrus that has new growth out. >> reporter: owner says making sure things aren't dry or have some cover will do a lot to help folks protect their gardens. >> got a pretty large orange tree with a lot of fruit on it right now and a lemon tree that
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has fruit as well. the freezes are not good for those. i'm here to get some tarps or some kind of frost protection. >> reporter: in napa county the folks say the cold spell is good for vines this time of year. because it helps make sure they go through a period of dormancy, which is good for next year's growth. i also checked with some farmers in brentwood. they tell me they're not terribly worried, but citrus would be the most sensitive. they plan to watch things overnight and irrigate tomorrow if absolutely necessary. >> bill martin is tracking which areas will be the coldest tonight. bill is live with advisories that may affect what we do tonight. >> big deal advisories. a big warning is a freeze warning for parts of -- most of the north bay. that's a big deal. freeze warning in effect. it happens at 3:00 a.m. tonight and goes through 8:00
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a.m. only a 5 hour warning. it's a big deal though. temperatures will be below freezing for more than a couple of hours. it's going to be cold for the rest of us. take a look at the frost advisory. this is for everywhere basically except san francisco county. san mateo, mountain view, san jose. you've got a frost advisory in effect. what that's going to do is get you frost on your windshields. could cause problems with tender plants. these are current temperatures. how do we know it's going to be cold? it's 45 right now in santa rosa. it's 44 right now in fairfield. that's colder than many of our overnight lows this time of year. it's very cold out there. we're looking for a real cold night tonight with that freeze warning in effect. when i come back here at 5:20, we'll look how cold it's going to get in your neighborhood. i'll see you back here. >> congressional republicans offered a plan solution to the
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fiscal cliff crisis. >> i continue to have hope that we can reach a broader agreement with the white house that would reduce spending as well as have revenues on the table. >> john boehner said he believes -- house speaker john boehner says he believes a compromise is possible, but just in case he plentied plan b today. it would only raise taxes on americans who earn more than a million dollars a year and would make $1 trillion in spending cuts. president obama's newest offer would raise taxes on families making more than $400,000 and would cut spending by $850 billion. democrats say the gop's plan b will never pass the senate. >> every time we get down to doing something for the long term financial security of this country, they take that football and it's a charlie brown episode. they jerk the ball away.
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>> ban plan b faces opposition within its own party. conservative republicans indicated they won't support any tax hike. we're now just two weeks from the fiscal cliff deadline when deep spending cuts and tax hikes for everyone will kick in unless there's an agreement. >> the world's most advanced gas control system. what happens if a pipe breaks? still ahead. >> a pest problem ends in hazardous materials response. the common chemical that made eight people sick.
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contra costa county road crews are finishing up temporary repairs on a sink hole. a road supervisor first noticed the beginnings of a zig hole this morning. it was caused by a collapsed culvert damaged by rain. today crews installed metal plates over the area. that part of the road was shut down for much of the day.
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it is back open now. the plates will remain in place until permanent repairs can be done. >> in the wake of the gas pipeline explosion, pg&e showed off the shelf a what it says will be the most high-tech natural gas control system on earth. how it's going to work and some local reaction. >> reporter: that new control center could not have prevented the explosion that ravaged in neighborhood. other improvements could have made it worse. the san ramone center is massive because pg&e's entire control system currently spread will be consolidated into one location. all of its pipelines from the giants to the line into your home will be monitored here and any emergency response will be controlled from here, vastly improving coordination. >> you'd like to think in this day and age with technology you
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could satellite and beam things in. it's better to have the ajay sensy. >> reporter: besides having all of the operations in one location, one of the most important features, emergency simulators so operators can deal with emergencies before they occur. >> we are laser focused on enhancing the overall safety of our system. >> reporter: like airline flight simulators, operators will be thrown problem after problem and learn to control them. pg&e insists all its other work on the pipeline system makes such problems increasingly unlikely. but the bishops are not overly impressed. >> you have to show me that it's going to turn the gas off and stop the damage that could occur if the gas is still
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flowing. >> reporter: so coming up at 6, even with all of this the truth about what would likely happen if another big pipe breaks somewhere else. tom vacar. >> redwood city firefighters are warning people to watch directions on pesticides. the incident happened at the sequoia trailer park. an elderly couple set off a fogger but did not leave. three firefighters, two paramedic, the elderly couple and a neighbor were affected by the fumes. >> got cotton mouth right away, got a headache p walked out in front and the fire department grabbed me and brought me over here. soaked me with super ice cold water and put me in some kind of suit. hauled me to the hospital. >> everyone has been released from the hospital. firefighters say it's a good
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reminder to follow all written instructions when handling those chemicals. >> samsung's lead in smart phone manufacturing increased sharply this year. preliminary report on cell phone manufacturing in to to 12. it showed that samsung shipped 28% of the world's smart phones this year. apple accounted for 20%. compare that to last year. samsung had 20% and apple owned 19%. >> we're following some breaking news in the south bay. that's where we're getting unconfirmed reports that there is a gunman on the campus of san jose city college. i stress again, we are working to confirm this information. the early reports we're getting is that that campus is on long down. we're reaching out to campus police, to the police in san jose, trying to find out more about this situation. the only information we have is there are reports of a gunman
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on the san jose city college campus. of course this is alarming news any time, but certainly coming after what we just showed you in connecticut, a lot of tension, a lot of fear. that's why we're working to pass this on to you with the information at this point we are not able to confirm this with campus police or investigators. we're working to do that. when we do have new information we will bring it to you. >> let's talk about our weather. boy, is it cold out there. >> today was one of those days, jackets all day. windy. daytime highs, didn't get out of the 40s for a daytime high. outside right now, i showed you these before. these are key in how our evening forecast goes. right now it's 45. fairfield is 44. 47 in napa. these numbers are very cool for this hour. we're going to see temperatures into the 20s. of course that's why in this area we have a freeze warning
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in effect. look to the north, we have more cold products. a winter storm warning. further north up there we've got a high wind warning. it's definitely shaping up to be a cool, breezy night. once those winds calm down it's going to get really cold. that helps out. when the winds die down, easy 20 in santa rosa. you'll find temperature accident, wouldn't be surprised if we see a 26over 25 in some of those valleys. tomorrow morning very told. that's why you have a freeze warning here in the north bay. basically a frost advisory for the rest of the bay area except san francisco. that starts at 3:00 a.m. and ends at 5:00 a.m. these are the highs from today. tomorrow's highs will be in the low 50s. maybe a couple 49s. tomorrow as you go off to work,
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kids go to school, it's jackets. not just for the morning. but all day. no rain tomorrow. just cool. should be a little less wind tomorrow as well. what i'm tracking right now, that cool air as it filters in. whenever you see speckled clouds like that here, that's just cold air. it's really cold. the next system roming in here, this has legs. it's going to produce rain in the bay area. when i come back, i've got this computer model. it's going to roll into the weekend. i'll show you when you expect the rain. we have a couple systems headed our way. i'll let you know when the cold air gets out of here and how long these freezing temperatures are going to last. all that and back here at 5:40. >> as we go to break, more live pictures from news chopper 2. overhead a u.s. bank branch. okay, well i thought we had that. on our way to -- excuse me, it's on its way to that campus lockdown we think is going on at san jose community college. we'll have that story and what
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we're learning in just a moment. >> this former land fill in san jose has been a nightmare for the city for about 35 years. we'll show you why it could turn into a field of dreams. >> it's a battle for open space in one bay area park. >> why dogs are at the center of the controversy and how it comes down to today's vote. plus, from an emotional vigil to a moment of silence. how people in the bay area continue to honor victims of the sandy hook elementary school shooting.
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we're following breaking news in the south bay. that's where we're getting unconfirmed reports after gunman on the campus of san jose city college. this picture comes from news channel 2 as it heads south to get us a good look at what's happening at the campus. it's pretty close to downtown san jose. just south of interstate 280. in the five minutes since we
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brought you this breaking news about reports of a gunman on the campus, we were able to get in touch with campus police. they did confirm that the campus is in lockdown. they did not confirm whether or not there is indeed a gunman on the school campus. so at this point we do know that san jose city college is in a state of lockdown. news chopper 2 continues to make its way south. we'll update you. >> vigils being held to remember the victims of the school massacre in newtown, connecticut. there was one last night and more are planned, including a vigil that's going on right now. ken pritchett is there and tells us why the owner of that restaurant wanted to get involved. >> reporter: i want you to take a look at this. this is a small display of the connection that people all over the country feel with the school shooting in connecticut.
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we in albany. r. about a dozen people are gathered for a candle light vigil. this may seem like an unusual place for a vigil. it's not about the restaurant or the setting or the distance. but about the man behind it or rather about his brother who was killed in a random act of violence two years ago in richmond. he said he had to do this in memory of his brother. he had to show some sign of support. >> my brother was murdered june 2010. and obviously that's very sad thing that happened. i felt like a lot of people would benefit, would be the word, from something like this. i felt like the support i got and my family got from the people, it really helped. >> reporter: he says his brother was not killed in a random act but says the person
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responsible was just a case of mistaken identity. he says the school shooting and the proximity to the holidays brought those memories back. he imagined that is true of other crime victims around this country as well. ken pritchett, ktvu channel 2 news. >> happening right now at reception for three oakland city council members. here only on 2, what the mayor has to say about this historic event. >> a major sporting goods retail sir pulling guns off its shelves. the move. [ laughter ] [ girl ] wow, you guys have it easy.
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i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers. blah blah blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no. we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver only from at&t u-verse. get u-verse tv for $29 a month for six months. rethink possible.
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very intelligent person. he really was. just like the way he acted around other people was just very withdrawn and just really quiet. >> a former classmate of the gunman in the connecticut school shooting is speaking out saying he and other students knew something was different about adam lanza but he says they never thought he was capable of opening fire on innocent teachers and students. >> we all kind of knew that like, you know, he had problems socially. we kind of had a feeling there might have been something wrong with him. obviously we never asked. we thought it was our place to do so. >> >> alan diaz knew lanza. he remembers going to huh his home and playing viability video cames there. when lanza left to be home schooled the two lost touch. as the growing memorial, diaz recalls running into lanza's mother two years ago. she told them lanza had started to go to a shooting range. information diaz says came as a
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surprise. he says he couldn't imagine lanza holding a gun. >> at one point hep was a good kid. the events he did that day may have been evil, but before then he was just another kid. >> lanza's mother is said to have told a friend she introduced her son to guns to teach him a sense of responsibility. investigators are tracking how often lanza went to gun ranges. hep went to target practice about 6 months ago and had been going for several years. >> the san jose city college campus is on lockdown because of reports of a gunman on campus. you can see that police are taking this very seriously. they have not confirmed that there is an actual gunman on campus, but presumably they are looking to see if that report is true. that's why they have placed this campus on lockdown. classes are still in session. the student haven't left yet for christmas break.
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the students are being told to remain in their classrooms until the all clear is given. san jose city college is near lee avenue. not far from the downtown area there in san jose. about 10 to 12,000 students attend there. the headline, a possible gunman on the campus at san jose city college. as a result of that, you see the police there on the scene looking to see if in fact there is a gunman. in the meantime, they have placed that campus on lockdown just in case. studenting being told to remain in their classroom. robert han honda on the way. >> a national sporting goods store has suspended the sale of certain kinds of semiautomatic rifles. dick's sporting goods is taking this action out of respect for the victims and their families. dick's has stopped sales of
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modern sporting rifles during this time of mourning. they have not said how long this action will last. legal and business experts say this move could represent a shift in the national dialogue about guns. >> the public is continuing to speak out, in addition to corporate decisions, it can have a major impact on the policy discussions. >> at the very least i think it shows some sensitivity to public opinion and some willingness to bend to what consumer are interested in. >> here in the bay area, dick's sporting goods is building a store. three oakland city leaders are leaving their seats. they take with them decades of experience. paul cam birds in oakland. >> reporter: only on 2 will you hear from mayor gene quan about this evening. happening right now, the
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council has started their meeting. this is the three of the longest serving council members casting what may be their final votes ever for the city of oakland. combined they have more than 50 years of experience. thigh have served the city of oakland since the 90s. current council president took office. >> i'm losing three good friends that has demonstrated their love and their commitment to the city. >> they've made a lot of contributions. it's really going to be a change in the dynamics of the city council. >> reporter: we tried to speak to them but they didn't want to comment. within the last half hour the three took part in a reception in their honor. all three will be around serving the community in different capacities. before they can do that,
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they're expected to make a decision on a controversial debate whether to allow dogs to have their own park. i'm working on that story tonight. i did speak with the mayor moments ago. i'll tell you why she says she hopes in action is taken tonight. >> back now to the breaking news. san jose city college on lockdown because of reports of a possible gunman on campus. joining us now by phone is a student. james marinara, james, where are you and what's going on? >> on. >> it's john. i'm upstairs at the third story of the tech center at san jose city college. we haven't heard any gunfire. we're on lockdown in a darkroom. there are definitely police outside. we've seen automatic weapons and everything. they're prepared for something. we're not quite sure what though. >> john, how did you get the notice to take shelter there? >> we got a call and instantly closed all doors, turned off
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all lights. we haven't received a text message or e-mail yet. >> what specifically did the call say? did it say they're looking for a possible gunman? >> it said armed intruder. that's all we can possibly guess. there was a previous person i believe last week who was found brandishing a knife. that was rather specific. we believe this may be an armed intruder with a gun. >> am i correct in saying classes end this friday? is the campus full? have students started to leave for the winter break? >> students are definitely out right now. i'd say the campus is about at 50 to maybe 60% capacity at best in. >> john, is the whole campus locked down? or do you get a sense police tend to be focusing on one area of the campus? >> from what we gather the entire campus is on lockdown. but we've only been able to see police outside of our building. and they are definitely well
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grouped around our building compared to previous lock downs. >> john, i'm assuming you were able to follow the events that started on friday with the shooting there. a lot of attention and scrutiny on school safety. kind of, what are your feelings right now? you sound so calm. but judging by these pictures the situation could be very tense. >> we are journalists. we're prepared for the worst events and we're supposed to keep a cool head. we are worried in response to what happened last friday. and of course our prayers are out with the people over there. but right now we're trying to keep a cool head, keep ourselves collected and not worry and keep away from doors and windows. >> how many of you are in that room? and do you get a sense that -- this comes after this horrible massacre. do you get a sense that anyone is panicking or are people tending to remain calm? >> i know my class of 10 to 15
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is all definitely got their heads under control. we're all calm and collect. we have heard from other classes people worried and such. >> okay. well thank you for callings and sharing your experience here. we're just speaking live to a student at san jose city college. san jose city college, the campus is on lockdown. he said they received reports of an armed intruder they are taking shelter. >> we're going to take a short break. back with a lot more including continuing coverage on this breaking news at san jose city college after the break.
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news chopper 2 is over breaking news at south bay. just a few moments ago we brought you live a student on the campus describing for us what it's like to go on lockdown. he said they got the call about 4:30. reports of an armed intruder, went into lockdown, locked the doors, turned out the lights. while school is still in session there's only really about half the students on campus. >> he says he's in the tech center. i'm presuming that that is the building we're looking at right now. because police have surrounded that building. when we were speaking with him, he was very calm. i get the sense he works with the student newspaper or television station. he said that he's working to become a journalist and is very calm as a result.
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the situation here right now, san jose city college on lockdown. you see a bunch of police there have swarmed that campus because of reports of an armed intruder. you can see the spotlights as they're looking through some of the classrooms. presumably they'll be going from classroom to classroom. the gentleman mentioned last week there was an incident with a student who brought a knife to school. he wasn't sure whether these were connected or not. >> i think he said that previous threat was a very specific one. this one appears as being handled in more general terms. as we're watching the campus here is on lockdown. the lockdown is confirmed but the reports of a gunman have not been. the lockdown here has been going on for just about an hour. at this point we don't have
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much more information. we are going to bring you the lathest. again, san jose city college in a state of lockdown right now. investigators in pleasant hill are trying to find -- rob roth is live with the impact this is having. >> reporter: three incidents in just the past week and a half and typically quiet pleasant hill. the most recent incident happened here at sequoia middle school. parents and teachers call it unnerving. a motorcycle patrolman came to keep watch, reassuring presence for parents and students. >> it's hard getting my daughter to school today. but, you know, we can't live in a bubble. >> reporter: yesterday morning just three days after the violence in connecticut a threatening call came in. >> the caller stated you're next and hung up. >> reporter: the school was locked down, police came and found no actual threat.
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>> by creating this sort of distraction it only adds to disrupt our school and our students lives. >> reporter: the threat came one week after a pipe bomb was discovered a mile away in the bushes at pleasant hill elementary. that school was evacuated. three days before that a group of juveniles were arrested in the parking lot of college park high school for having a pipe bomb in their car. this after a pipe bomb destroy add mailbox. jack has lived here for six decades. >> we have so little crime here, that any crime makes the news and anything that's scary particularly that happens on or near our schools, that's a scary thing. >> reporter: police say all the incidents are still under investigation. and they're waking up to cold reality. >> we all feel very safe here. suddenly you don't feel so safe any more. >> reporter: investigators say
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they're working with the phone company to try and trace yesterday's threatening call to sequoia. reporting live in pleasant hill, rob roth, ktvu channel 2 news. >> two people are under arrest after a s.w.a.t. team raid in a contra costa county neighborhood that's been hit by violence. police carried out the raid about 8 this morning. they arrested go men in connection with recent violent crimes but have not said what charges they face. in the past few months at least three people have been killed in that neighborhood. >> stepping up as much as we possibly can in this area, using our s.w.a.t. team when necessary and doing whatever we can to slow it down. >> three other people already face charges in a murder at an apartment complex. the stockton unified school possible case of bacterial meningitis following the death
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of a fourth grader. she died after going home sick the day before. public health officials say bacterial meningitis is spread through close contact such as sharing the same drinking class or eating utensils. many parents are now taking precautions. >> talk to your kids about sharing things and just be cautious. >> school officials are telling parents that any child who had casual contact with the child is not at risk of contracting the disease. >> a former worker at a popular grocery store accused of chain of ignoring sexual harassment at the market. >> protesters confronted management. former meat department employee laura says a male coworker continually sexually harassed her. they investigated but took no action. she was later fired for
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allegedly bad mouthing another worker. she described the alleged harassment. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> he tried to hug me, he tried to kiss me, told me stuff, sexual, dirty stuff. >> every single new employee goes through two hours of training. every year our team is retrained on sexual harassment. >> they say it will investigate the claims including allegations that other women have been harassed. >> back now to the breaking news, the lockdown at san jose city college. because of reports of an armed intruder, possibly on campus, robert honda has just arrived at the campus. you have new information? >> reporter: i've been on the phone with san jose police who are assisting the san jose city police. they are conducting a campus wide sweep right now.
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police say officers are going from building to building searching for this reported shooter on campus. police emphasize the initial call was from one person and no one has reported any shots fired. no one has reported any victims. most of the calls they're getting have been cause of the lockdown on campus. so they're getting flooded with calls from people saying there's a possible shooter but they're saying most of these people are saying this because they've been locked down and they've been told that by campus police. they have not been getting any other reports of someone who has seen a shooter on campus or reported any incidents. i've been talking with san jose city college faculty members who are locked down. they describe the scene as hectic but no one is panicking. they say they're trying to stay calm and they've been going only by the initial information they've been told by campus police that they're searching for a shooter on campus. police emphasize they're
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conducting a search right now but they have not seen any incidents and have not been told of anybody being hurt. no shots fired. they have still not tracked down the person whomped the initial call. right now they're going as a precaution building to building, searching for the possible gunman but right now they say that there are no incidents to report in terms of an actual gunfire or somebody being hurt. we'll give you more details as we get them. reporting from san jose city college, robert honda, ktvu channel 2 news. >> we'll let you get back to digging for more information. san jose city college on lockdown because of one report that there may be an armed gunman on campus. police now going room to room searching for that possible gunman. >> let's go to weather. bill martin has been talking to us about the cold. after we get the cold there's another another change. >> i have rain coming right
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after that. we take a look. where the freeze warning is, once again, it's mainly in the north bay. here it comes. you'll see that freeze warning. right there. look up in the north bay. there's the freeze warning. everywhere else you're looking at a frost advisory. these areas, san jose. only place without afros advisory is san francisco. coldest up in the north bay valleys have numbers could get into the upper 20s. you might find some mid20s. increase as this next system moves in. this system gets in here late on thursday. it's going to bump the cold air out of here and temperatures are going to increase. then it's going to rain. here's how the computer model sees it. tomorrow morning, clear and cold. there's your tomorrow afternoon. clear and kind of cold. daytime highs tomorrow. here comes thursday. clouds increase. pretty cold thursday morning.
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here comes the rain thursday morning. here comes the rain thursday night in the north bay and working its way south. thursday afternoon's commute in the north bay might be damp. then it's overnight event. friday morning looks like you're going to have a wet morning commute. we'll be tracking this. this when this moist air comes in, it's still cool. it's going to warm things up out of the 20s. overnight lows in the upper 30s, low 40s. not as cold as we're going to see tonight. here's the forecast highs tomorrow. 53 in san mateo. 54:00 in mountain view. five-day forecast. plenty of sunshine tomorrow. that's all over. this turns into a wet event. weaver we've got this unsettled weather pattern that's going to stick with us. we're looking at rain showers on and off. right now the main event.
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cold tomorrow morning. freeze warning. you have rain thursday into friday. >> as we go to break here. more live pictures of the breaking news, the campus look down at san jose city college. we're working to get more information. as soon as we do we'll bring it to you. you see grandma lives waaaay down here, and you live way up here. brian, your cousin, he's a little bit older than you, he lives here, in chicago. and your aunt lisa lives here, in baltimore. uncle earnie? waaay out in hawaii. but don't you worry, we will always be together for christmas. [ male announcer ] being together is the best part of the holidays and cheerios is happy to be part of the family. you just ate dallas!
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some lawmakers are calling for arming schoolteachers. in instead of gun control as way to keep students safe in the wake of that newtown school massacre. being blasted by the country's largest teachers unions. >> we need fewer guns in schools, not more guns in schools. we need less of this gun culture. >> the federation of teacherrest and national education association say more guns are not the answer. gun supporters though say they support the proposal to arm school administrators or teachers. union leaders say instead of arming teachers with guns, schools need more psychologists and resources to combat mental health. >> this is a wake up call. and there are consequences to austerity. there needs to be investments if we actually want to help children. >> republicans in at least six
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states plan to introduce legislation that would allow or require school staff to be armed. the brady campaign to prevent gun violence called that idea quote, insane. >> more coverage of the developing news we've been bringing knew. it's happening in the south bay. san jose city college is in a state of lockdown. there has been one report of a gunman on campus. choose news chapper 2 is giving us a look. students being told to stay in the room they're in, lock the door and turn out the lights. it is affecting the entire campus of san jose city college. more coverage of this news on ktvu channel 2 news at 6. look at you guys with your fancy-schmancy
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good evening. i'm julie haener. >> and i'm frank somerville. want to show you live pictures from news chopper 2 of san jose city college where the campus is in lockdown tonight because of reports of an armed intruder. hopefully we'll get that live picture momentarily. students we have spoken with say they're being told to stay in their rooms, turn off


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